The Graduation Trip/Vacation of my Life

My graduation trip/vacation is coming up, and I hope you guys or able to experience it with me.
I'm getting my associate's degree in December and  it's the farthest level education that I've pursued. I must get to Florida to enjoy the festivities & y'all know how fun Florida is. I cannot wait to get there for all the good times i can create, I want to go down there for the water, the souvenirs, and the foreign women.

I've been in Tampa Bay two times already, once to go see my grandfather & when I went to go see my youngest sibling. I was just passing through on greyhound the second time though. Taking as many pictures and videos as I can is the number one goal. I want footage on footage of the whole trip. I might rent a very very nice camera.

I completed my college courses with a online program called UMA. I did it all from Atlanta,Georgia and Greensboro, North Carolina. One of my biggest dreams happen to be was complete or go to school in Florida. I love to location, and would live down there in a heartbeat. I'm going to do a big hello to the beach, and I'm a wave with my feet. The main goal is to have the best trip ever.

I feel so good about getting my degree & I want to go further with my education, but I truly worked hard for this degree. I acquired my Associates Degree of Science in Medical Billing and Coding. I get excited just talking about it.

I'm raising money for My Graduating Trip to Florida. Click to Donate: via @gofundme


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