Shine with the Sun | Health Surround 365
There are plenty of benefits from being in the sun,you're able to stock up on Vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 can be found in liver and fish oils, and is essential for the absorption of calcium in your body. When looking for Vitamin D2 and D3 you can find the name calciferol or cholecalciferol.
10-15 Minutes in the Sun
Ten to fifteen minutes in the sunlight a day is equal to 1000 IU's of Vitamin D. Sunlight lowers your cholesterol it converts high cholesterol in the blood into steroid hormones and the sex hormones we need for reproduction. Nitric acid is also produced by the sun, which lowers blood pressure, so being in the sun can actually lower your blood pressure. Soaking up the sun can reduce depression and fight diseases, especially in the heart and reduces common diseases like the flu.
600,000 Cancer Cases can be Prevented
600,000 cases of breast and colorectal cancer could be prevented a year by exposure to more sunlight. It's an interesting fact to me when I found this out, because a lot of us don't understand the capacity of how healthy the sun is for us. If you can't stand the radiation that comes from the sun because it's too overbearing or causes skin rashes. You can take an adequate source of Vitamin D3 in supplements.
To Increase your Vitamin D levels researchers recommend a combination of dietary supplements and sunlight exposure to about 10 to 15 minutes a day with at least 40% of your skin visible to the Sun.
Foods that have a great amount of Vitamin D3
Egg yolk
Orange juice
Health Surround 365 | Shine with the Sun
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