
Showing posts from August, 2017

Cancer studies with Hair Products | Health Warning with Hair Products | News | Health Surround 365

74%     increase chance of cancer after using hair straighteners  51%    increase chance of cancer  after using dark hair dye Toxicology in your hair can be tested for substances still in your body, So the chemicals you put in your head can affect your enter body. Men and woman can be affected. Make sure you click these links to learn more & watch the videos for these cancerous substances. : ) Hair Dyes Facts  AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY Dark hair dye, chemical straighteners linked to breast cancer  THE DAILY EXAMINER

Mental Health Illnesses | Mental Health Video | Health Surround 365

Teamwork Natural Skills | Book Quotes | Health Surround 365

Team-work Natural Skills  The discipline of team learning starts with "dialogue," the capacity of members of a team to suspend assumptions and enter into a genuine "thinking together." To the Greeks dia-logos meant a free-flowing of meaning through a group, allowing the group to discover insights not attainable individually. Interestingly, the practice of dialogue has been preserved in many "primitive" cultures, such as that of the American Indian, but it has been almost completely lost to modern society.  Senge, P. M. (1990).  The fifth discipline: the art and practice of the learning organization . New York: Doubleday.

Facts about Dehydration

Save on Diagnostic Tools at MEDEX Supply.

Stock Special Invite

One of the smartest things to do before joining the stock market is to learn about stocks and bonds on the market world day by day. You need to learn the tips and tricks about investing, you must evaluate stocks constantly to be up in your game. Do your research, and supply yourself with enough knowledge to make a great decision when purchasing. Robinhood is an excellent application for beginners that want to invest and become a part-time stock trader. Unlike all the other stock companies like Fidelity , or Ally you don't have to pay a trade fee of 3$ or more. The graphs and real-time updates make the app more suitable for you. You'll be able to watch your newly invested stocks move up in the market. I'm very serious about the free stock when you get started and create a full profile. When you join Robinhood app you might have to wait one or two days after completion. To receive the free stock. You can watch how it performs and make a clear decision from t...

Sugar Warning

Excessive sugar consumption promotes inflammation, which can make your joints ache and delay healing from injuries. Sugar is also linked to headaches, mood swings and weight gain. Also sugar can impair your brain cognitive functions. Blood sugar levels will spike then crash from the usage like a drug to the brain leaving you tired, irritable, foggy. Sugar Inforgraphics [Digital image]. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Pre- and Post- Workout Stretches

Stretching Pictures [Digital image]. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Muscle Flexibility | Health Article | Health Surround 365

Exercising and Stretching is one of the biggest answers to flexibility. There are two connective tissues that make up 15% of the skeletal muscle called "elastin" and "collage". Vitamin C produces "elastin" and Vitamin A, Zinc, Iron are nutrients for "collagen". These two structural protein's help with your tissue strength and resiliency. Nutrients for muscle flexibility are Glucosamine, Chondroitin and Methlsulfonylmethane. Glucosamine is very good with relieving joint pain in arthritis, Chondroitin helps preserve cartilage & Methlsulfonylmethane or MSM helps inhabit joint degeneration a certain type of arthritis also. Be aware chondroitin and glucosamine my risk bleeding is taken in large doses. The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil can promote protein synthesis in muscles. Helping you maintain muscle tone and muscle flexibility. Omega-3 fatty acids is also good for cardiovascular benefits also. Taking prescription medici...

Eleven Rules for Brain-Body-Healthy Nutrition | Health Advice | Health Surround 365

11 Rules for Brain-Body-Healthy Nutrition Drink plenty of water, some green tea, and not too many calories. Watch your calories Increase good fats and decrease bad fats. Increase good carbs and decrease bad carbs. Dump artificial sweeteners and replace them with small amounts of natural sweeteners. Limit caffeine intake. Eat great brain foods. Reduce salt intake and increase potassium intake.  Plan snacks. Take a daily multivitamin/mineral supplement and fish oil. Recognize when you or someone you care about has hidden food allergies.  The Real Vitamin and Mineral Book, 4th edition: The Definitive Guide to Designing Your Personal Supplement Program The Magnesium Miracle (Second Edition) Amen, D. G. (2012).  Change your brain, change your body: use your brain to get the body you have always wanted . London: Piatkus.

"What is your life's blueprint" | Martin Luther King Jr. Speech | Motivational | Health Surround 365

 "Do good and never let anyone let you stop continuing your path to success. Stay in school, or continue your job and make the best out of it. No matter what's your economic situation"   

Importance of Vitamin D | Vitamin Facts | Health Surround | Health Article

Vitamin D : Amazon Vitamin D Deficiency  "Vitamin D" deficiency can be linked to sicknesses and issues like Dementia, Prostate Cancer, Schizophrenia, Erectile Dysfunction, and Heart Disease. Instances where kids suffering from Asthma and Dermatitis were treated to full recoveries. Symptoms of the deficiency include a lack of muscle tone, disproportionately large head and forehead, and delayed infant milestones like sitting up, standing, and appearance of teeth.   Vitamin D & Pregnancy  Mothers who took 4,000 IU's (ten times the RDA of 400 IU) of vitamin D during pregnancy had their risk of premature birth reduced by half Premature babies born to women taking high doses of vitamin D were reduced by half at both 32 and 37 weeks, and  There were also fewer babies who were born "small for dates" Women taking high doses of vitamin D had a 25 per cent reduction in infections, particularly respiratory infections such as colds and flu as well ...

"I can't find the words to say to You" Exercise | Brain Activity | Health Surround 365

Fly Business Class for LESSGet up to $100 Off* with Code BUSINESS100 Broca's Area The area of the brain, located on the left cerebral hemisphere's frontal lobe, that helps to control speech. Named after the French surgeon Paul Broca (1824-1880) Word Finding Exercise Rules  This exercise helps with repairing word-finding abilities and articulation, as well as expanding limited concepts. For this exercise, write down ten words, such as "up," "mad" and "bright." Then, ask for the opposite of the word. For instance, you would ask, "What is the opposite of up?" You would then reply with "down." This exercise can increase in difficulty, with concepts increasing in complexity as the sufferer's tolerance strengthens. For instance, try "frustration" and "joy." Broca's Aphasia This exercise is originally use for people with Broca's Aphasia, which is a condition where the brain is in...

Eye Vitamin | Vitamin E Cures | Health Surround 365

Health    If you really want to find a way to help your eyes and slow the progression of lens clouding try "Vitamin E" for healthier vision. Most of us never take the eyes into account until it counts. "Vitamin E" with other nutrients can protect the lens from "Oxidative stress" that damages cells and tissue in the eye. Oxidative stress is involved with Dry Eyes, Uveitis, Glaucoma, and Cataracts. So "Vitamin E" may be needed to protect your eyes from Light & Cigarette smoke. Warning tho taking too much Vitamin E can be deadly, taking around 400 IU a day can increase the possibility of sudden death. The Daily Value is 30 IU a day. A"IU" is a international unit which measures milligrams & micrograms.  Healing with vitamins: the best nutrients to slow, stop, and reverse disease: straight from nature, backed by science . (2008). New York: Rodale.